How to Give Your Blogging Soul by Using Emotion

Posted By Darren Rowse 13th of December 2006 Miscellaneous Blog Tips

This is post 3 in the Adding a Personal Touch to Your Blog Series

I can hardly believe that I’m encouraging bloggers to be more emotional in their blogging (blogging is a medium that is sometimes accused of being too emotionally based) but I think quite a few entrepreneurial blogs could add a new dimension to their blogging if they injected a little feeling into what can be terribly dry and one dimensional posts.

I’m not saying you need to rant in every post – but to allow readers to see what you feel (and not just think) about the things you post on and join you in that can have a powerful impact upon readership.

If something excites you – let your post convey that, if you’re angry – express it (read below for some perspective/balance on this), if you’re confused, hurt, freaked out, passionate etc finding an appropriate way to show it can actually add a lot to your blogging.

Perhaps I’m more of an emotionally based person than some but I know that many of the bloggers that I read on a daily basis are those that show their heart a little and are quite transparent about their feelings towards the topics that they write on. On the flip side there’s not much that will turn me off faster than a blog without soul (dry, passionless and one dimensional where it might as well be a machine writing the content).

Balance – Of course on many blogs it is important to keep a balance in how much you share in this way. I’ve seen a number of bloggers over the years destroy their reputations and blogging projects by allowing every post to become very angry or negative (to a destructive point) – however injecting a little feeling into your posts will give readers something to relate to and a hook that will draw them into the conversation and keep coming back for more.

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