How to Build Your Blog’s Readership

Posted By Darren Rowse 25th of April 2008 Blog Promotion

@jeremyjacks asks – How did you get to be a big blogger? And what should I do to get more site hits?” also – @JoshAnstey asks – “whats the best way to build blog exposure?”

I’m not sure I’m famous outside of a very small segment of the internet – but the growth I’ve had on my blogs has come over a long period of time and I would say that one of the ‘secrets’ to growing a blog readership is to stick at it and work hard for a sustained period of time. I’ve been blogging 5 and a half years now and have worked a lot of hours in that time.

Outside of hard work (and a bit of luck) there are many techniques you can use to grow readership to a blog. I’ve summarised some of the many articles I’ve written on the topic here on my How to Find Readers for your Blog page. Also check out my 6 part series on How I’d Promote My Blog if I was Starting Out Again. I really believe that the topics covered in that of guest posting (on relevant blogs in your niche), networking, viral content, advertising and social media are a great place to start.

Also – get on Twitter (I know you’re on it Jeremy and Josh but others should) because it’s a pretty hot spot at the moment when it comes on online activity and I think the potential to drive a lot of traffic from there is still only just being realized. It’s a space that is still in it’s early days of development so get in early (even though it’s been a year or two since it launched) and position yourself for the future.

Lastly – keep tracking with ProBlogger because in May I’m planning a month long series on growing readership.

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