Hopes of a Professional Blogger

Posted By Darren Rowse 5th of February 2005 Pro Blogging News, Reader Questions

When I asked readers at for questions for my upcoming interviews with Professional bloggersBobby Masteria asked:

‘Ask long time probloggers what have been their fears, hopes and expectations.’

I’ve written about my expectations and fears and now thought I’d turn to hopes.

1. Internet usage is booming. The statistics show that more and more people around the globe are going online and that it continues to be a medium with incredible potential to communicate with the masses quickly, cheaply and with little fuss. Similarly the statistics show that more and more people are becoming familiar with and readers of blogs. This has to give the average problogger some hope. The more who read blogs the less problem congestion of the blogosphere (see my fears post) becomes.

2. On a personal level I hope that my blogging will continue to provide me and my family with a source of income. I don’t expect and am not aiming to become a millionaire from blogging but would love to see it achieve a level (and sustain a level more importantly) where it would enable me to give a significant amount of my time to some of the causes that I feel passionately about (both inside and outside of blogging). The last year of blogging has seen me get to a point where this is a reality – and whilst I do other paid work from time to time I do so not because I need the money any more but rather that the work itself is something I’m passionate about and am energised by. My hope is that this will continue.

3. Blogging that Gives a Voice – I’ve written on numerous occasions that I believe that blogging has the ability to give a voice to the marginalized. Another hope that I have is to test this and see if it is more than just a lofty ideal. In the past few months I’ve noticed more and more bloggers testing this and proving it to be the case. Blogging can and does have a social concern edge which I’m very hopeful about.

Again – I have other blogging hopes – but I’m interested in yours. What are your hopes for blogging – both on a personal level and on a wider blogosphere level?

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