Google’s Page Rank Update Increases Profitability of Selling Text Links

Posted By Darren Rowse 5th of November 2007 Search Engine Optimization

This email comes from a ProBlogger reader who wishes to remain anonymous:

“Dear Darren,

I have watched with interest the Google Page Rank fiasco (is there any other words for it) that happened recently. I am a blogger with numerous blogs who sells text links both privately and through a text link selling service on my blog and who was not penalized in the latest Page Rank update.

Since the update I’ve noticed four things:

1. About 50% of the blogs in my niche that used to sell text links have stopped doing so.
2. I’ve had about a 50% increase in demand for text link purchases in the last week.
3. I have had an increase in the number of private text link sales this week.
4. The amounts advertisers are willing to pay me have gone up.

As you mentioned in your post on the 27th (link) the laws of demand and supply are coming into effect. Less bloggers are selling text links but the demand remains steady. As a result prices are going up, more are going directly to bloggers to cut out the middle man and my profits are going sky high.

I just wanted to feed back to you that while Google might be happy to stop some selling text links that their actions have actually benefited many text link sellers greatly. I estimate that I have made an extra $1500 in the last week from Google’s update.

I for one hope that Google continues to crack down on the practice because it will mean I could retire young!”

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