Google Updating?

Posted By Darren Rowse 3rd of May 2006 Search Engine Optimization

I’m not sure exactly what’s going on but I suspect that Google is doing some tweaking/updating at present as I’ve had a number of bloggers emailing to report that they are seeing greater shifts than normal in their SERPs (the position of their site for certain keywords in Google). There also seems to be quite a bit of discussion going on in a variety of threads at WMW (more than the normal level anyway). It could be one of Google’s normal minor updates or maybe something bigger is brewing.

I’ve also talked to a few Australian bloggers in the last few days who have noticed significant changes in’s results and some UK based publishers who are noticing changes – perhaps what we’re seeing is the results of localized updates.

My own sites are a little higher than normal in terms of Google referrals but it could just be a seasonal thing. Time will tell.

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