Get a Bag of Schwag from ValleySchwag!

Posted By Darren Rowse 5th of May 2006 Pro Blogging News

If you’ve ever been to a conference you know the anticipation connected with the Schwag Bag which comes filled with bribes gifts from vendors hoping that by giving you a pen, t-shirt, condom, coffee mug, USB drive that you’ll buy their product, give them a favorable review or use their bribe gift in front of influential people.

Of course as a receiver of the schwag you don’t care what the vendor wants – you are just hoping for something that will make you cool, look important, give you bragging rights or give you something to play with on the plane on the way home from the conference.

Unfortunately – if you live in an isolated part of the world or if you don’t have the thousands of dollars necessary to get to these conferences (after all $1000 for a bag of schwag is probably not a responsible way to spend your AdSense cheques) you might like to check out this new service called Valleyschwag. They will send you a bag of schwag each month for just $14.95 USD (or a bit more if you’re not in the US).

It’s actually a pretty cool idea for a business. Those supplying the schwag get their products/brand to you, you get your schwag (they say there’s at lest a t-shirt in each delivery so I could have just found a way of clothing myself and my family for life) and can look ‘cool or important’ and Valleyschwag make a few dollars on the side.

Schwag me up Baby!!!!

via techcrunch

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