FindWhat – AdRevenue Xpress

Posted By Darren Rowse 1st of October 2004 Advertising

FindWhat has just started their own advertising system similar to that of Google’s Adsense program. has the story and writes:

‘ today debuted AdRevenue Xpress, an automated distribution partner program targeting small to mid-sized businesses. The distribution method is similar to Google’s AdSense, but it uses category- or keyword-targeting, rather than contextual targeting.

The program allows smaller partners, through a step-by-step set up process, to add a search box which returns ads from the Network. Alternatively, publishers who want to display ads on their site directly, rather than via a search results page, can choose a FindWhat category and display ads from that category.’

So the ads served by this system are not contextually based (so you might be able to run them along side Adsense ads if they look sufficiently different to Adsense format ads). The other difference in the program is that AdRevenue Xpress gives publishers the options to put their earnings back into the system to advertise their own sites – with a 10% discount! This is an attractive feature and something I’ve often wished I could do with Adsense. It will be an interesting system to watch and I’d be very interested to hear from anyone out there who decides to give the AdRevenue Xpress system a go.

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