Feedvertising – Really Simple RSS Advertising – Text Link Ads

Posted By Darren Rowse 28th of September 2006 Advertising, RSS

Text Link Ads have just launched a new advertising format called Feedvertising (aff).

Those of you who subscribe to my RSS feed will probably have noticed that some text links have appeared at the bottom of my posts for the past few days – they are the Feedvertising ads that I’ve been beta testing this past few days.

Here’s an ad from my latest post (click to enlarge):

At present these are my own personal ads to my sites and products (eg there is one for the job boards, another for six figure blogging, one for my digital photography site) but in the coming day or two there will be ad slots for sale so advertisers wishing to buy ads in my feeds will be able to do so.

There are two main ways you can use Feedvertising in your Feeds:

1. To promote your own products, services, affiliate products, key pages on your blog etc (placing ‘personal’ ads as I’m doing now)
2. Letting TLA sell ads for you in their marketplace

You can of course do a combination of both. You have 6 ad slots available to fill which are rotated as you write more posts.

Pricing (if you choose to sell them in the marketplace) is something I’m yet to get a figure on as I’m yet to sell any ads for my feeds but they are a flat fee (ie not CPM or CPC). You sell a text ad in your feed for a month at a time in the same way as other TLA ads. I’m told that the actual price of the ads is determined by the category of your blog (topic), it’s alexa ranking and bloglines subscriber numbers.

Feedvertising is available for anyone to apply to join – it’s free and pretty easy to use – you just use the same methods that you use to run your other TLA ads (ie as I use WordPress as a blogging platform it was as simple as reinstalling the WP plugin that WP users usually use to install TLA ads.

The ads themselves are pretty simple and clean to look at. They’re not at all intrusive and you can configer them to be called ‘Advertisement’, ‘Sponsored By’, ‘Sponsor’, ‘Thanks to our Sponsor’ and ‘Custom’ (choose your own).

I suspect that Feedvertising will also be pretty attractive to Advertisers as it will allow them to expose their message to a pretty targeted group of readers who wouldn’t normally see their ads on actual blogs (for example here at ProBlogger over half of my daily readers are RSS readers and wouldn’t normally see any advertising I run on the site).

It’s early days for Feedvertising – they’ve only just come out of beta and I’m sure they’ll take a little while to catch on but from what I’ve seen of them so far they’ll be a very attractive option for people wanting to monetize their RSS feeds and Advertisers wishing to get their messages into them.

Apply to join via their Feedvertising page here (aff).

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