Daylight Savings and the International Blogger

Posted By Darren Rowse 2nd of April 2006 Pro Blogging News

Well Daylight Savings has finally finished here in Australia and while I do enjoy it from the perspective of enjoying our summer evenings, I don’t enjoy it in terms of my blogging because it puts me on a wacky time schedule when connecting with my North American blogging friends.

Negotiating time zones is difficult enough but the combination of us putting our clocks forward and hour and others putting their clocks back an hour makes chatting via IM with Canadian and American bloggers all the more difficult. I can’t remember the last time that Jeremy and I had a meeting when one of us wasn’t bleary eyed from having just gotten up and the other wasn’t exhausted from a long day and was ready for bed.

The next 6 months isn’t much fun in terms of weather here in Melbourne (that’s why I’m escaping it tomorrow for a couple of weeks) but means some of those blogging relationships that have quietened lately might just take off again.

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