Customizable background colors for Chitika eMiniMalls

Posted By Darren Rowse 22nd of October 2005 Chitika eMiniMalls

One of the more common complaints that I heard about Chitika’s eMiniMalls is that publishers are unable to change the background color of the ads. This made it very difficult for publishers with any other color background to their blog than white.

In the last couple of ours this changed and Chitika added the ability to change the background/tab color by using the following code.

‘ch_color_bg = “#CCCCCC”;’

Publishers can either insert this manually into posts or use the eMiniMall code maker to do it.

I’ve also been told that the engineers at Chitika have been working on getting rid of a few bugs that were meaning the ads struggled to be shown on some browsers. The word is that they are now much more compatible on the latest release of firefox and other browsers. This could lead to better CTR if you have a significant amount of readers using such browsers.

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