Color-Coded Solution for Keeping Track of Multiple Posts on Multiple Blogs

Posted By Darren Rowse 24th of August 2009 Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Recently Mary Mimouna, author of Expat Abroad shot me an email telling me about how she uses a simple color coded system to keep track of her posting on multiple blogs. I’m always interested to hear how bloggers organize themselves and I thought it might make an interesting read for others in a similar position – here’s what she shared.
Do you write multiple blogs?  Do you have trouble mentally keeping track of what you’ve recently posted, and when?
Over a period of two years, I’ve gone from writing one blog, to seven.  If you are also writing multiple blogs, no doubt you are having the same problem of keeping your momentum going equally on each blog.  As you get involved with the writing on one blog, it’s easy to lose your momentum on the others. 
I recently discovered an easy solution to this problem which I thought would be useful to share with other bloggers.
Keep a simple calendar with squares, and use a different color pen to mark each blog entry.  A glance at the calendar can tell you immediately which blogs you’re close to getting behind on, as well as to see if you need to do a follow-up post on a topic you already started.   For example, looking at this calendar, I can see immediately that the Women’s blog and the Feng Shui blog need immediate entries.  Additionally, the Women’s blog needs the second part of my three-part series on Divorce.
With this simple system, you don’t even need to be on-line to check your progress or think about your next entry.  This handy reference tool will free up your mind from trying to remember these details, and give your creativity a boost.

From Darren: How do you track your posting? Do you have a tool or system for this type of thing? I’d love to hear about it in comments below.

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