Clear Blogging

Posted By Darren Rowse 3rd of March 2007 Miscellaneous Blog Tips

This afternoon I was filling in a couple of hours in the CBD of Melbourne before heading to the football and I gravitated to one of the major bookstores – as I do.

After looking through the business section I ventured into the area dedicated to computers – you know the one, full of books about coding languages that most of us will never know (or care to know). In the ‘internet’ section there were three books on blogging. I grabbed each one and sat down on the floor to see what I could learn.

The first two didn’t really grab my attention but one called Clear Blogging (aff) grabbed me – mainly because it was bigger than the other two and had a familiar ring to it.

Instead of starting at the front – I flipped to the index to see if there might be a section on ‘money’ or ‘professional blogging’. Imagine my surprise when I not only saw ‘professional blogging’ but saw numerous pages that mentioned ‘’.

Always one who is interested to see what’s being said about me I flipped to the first page to find a whole section dedicated to ‘An Interview with Darren Rowse’!

Suddenly I remembered why ‘Clear Blogging’ seemed so familiar – I’d spent a good 45 minutes with it’s author, Bob Walsh, on Skype a few months back! Not only that his publisher had sent me an e-copy to review (it’s buried under a whole heap of other ‘things to do’).

With two hours to kill I realized that I’d found the perfect way to fill in some time so proceeded to work my way through the book.

While I did only skim most of it – I was quite impressed with the depth and breadth of what Bob managed to cover in the book. It’s the most comprehensive book I’ve seen on the topic of blogging and well worth the read. I’d recommend it to any new blogger wanting both theory and practical advice about everything from the setting up of a blog through to the running of one.

Bob uses a lot of current examples and gives sound advice.

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