Choosing the Perfect Blog (and Domain) Name

Posted By Darren Rowse 5th of June 2005 Miscellaneous Blog Tips

People often ask me what I’d do differently if I was starting my blogging from scratch – one of the big things would be around choosing better names and domain names for a few of my blogs. One of the problems with accidentally becoming a Pro Blogger like I did was that things evolved without much strategy for the first year or two as I experimented.

Ryan has a good post on choosing The Perfect Name for your blog/domain name:

‘As I mentioned the perfect name is easy to remember, sounds and looks good. But more importantly than these three is a name that is suiting. There is no such thing as the perfect name in the initial stages. It takes time and growth before a name can become perfect. So it is our job to look at all the aspects so we can ensure we have a strong, and at least “near perfect” name in the future…’

He then goes on to suggest four factors to consider in your decision. I concur with his thoughts. A name can become something that really lifts a blog to the next level.

I strongly advise new bloggers to think up front about the implications of starting news blogs some of these questions:

– what happens if this blog is very successful? Will the domain/subdomain/directory that I start this blog on look professional down the track?
– does the domain name include my main keywords? (helps heaps with SEO)
– is the domain memorable?

What other factors are worth considering in your opinion when it comes to choosing a domain/blog name?

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