Chitika’s Response to Stats Outage

Posted By Darren Rowse 12th of October 2005 Chitika eMiniMalls

Readers who have been trying out Chitika’s eMiniMalls will no doubt be aware that on 7 – 8 October they had some issues with their statistics. They reported in the stats area:

‘On October 7th and 8th our reporting system experienced an intermittent outage for a few hours. The problem has now been rectified. Due to this outage, you will notice that the stats for October 7th are missing. The stats for October 8th might also be slightly deflated. However, please be assured that we will make every effort to reprocess the stats, calculate and compensate for any lost revenue. We thank you for your patience and support while we iron out the reporting issues. Thank you.’

I’ve had a number of emails from readers asking what I could tell them about this outage and how they would be compensated.

As I have not formal association with Chitika (I’m just a publisher like the rest of us) I thought I’d approach my contact there for an official comment. This is what they responded with:

we had some log issues on the 7th and 8th.

There are two aspects to this:

1) Revenue: For this, we will compensate people in a “very fair” way. What is a “very fair” way ? Something like taking their revenue from their best day in the month or something like that

2) The actual stats for analysis: Some people are running tests and would like to know what happened. This is less of a priority.  If we cannot recover from the log issues, the stats for the 7th will remain blank. And the stats for 8th will remain deflated.

So there you have the official word for those of you concerned with those two days.

I would add that it’s worth keeping in mind that if you’re running eMiniMalls that you are participating in a beta test which means that while the product is working well that there is the risk of some instability from time to time.

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