Chitika eMiniMalls Affiliate Program Launches

Posted By Darren Rowse 18th of October 2005 Chitika eMiniMalls

Good news for those of you who have been waiting for the Chitika eMiniMalls (aff link) referral program to go public – today it went live.

Now if you refer a new publisher you stand to make 10% of their audited earnings for the first 12 months of their use of eMiniMalls.

I’ve been using the affiliate program for a couple of weeks now and it’s been working out quite nicely.

To be a part of the affiliate program you need to sign up yourself as a publisher and you’ll automatically become a part of it and get your own referral statistics.

The only downside of it is there is no second tier referral program – but beggers can’t be choosers.

Thanks to all of the readers here who have signed up via my affiliate links. I know many of you have gone out of your way to do so as a way of showing your support to I hope that you find them to be as helpful a tool as I have – don’t forget to check out the eMiniMall Tips post I wrote last week which I’m hearing has helped a few Chitika publishers double their income.

On a related side note – I’m seriously considering naming my firstborn after Chitika (Chitika Rowse?) with the earnings they’ve been helping me achieve this week. Even without the referral earnings it’s consistently doubling Adsense revenue and with the holiday season coming the mind boggles at where it could all end up mid December.

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