
27th of October 2014 Darren Rowse

Free Webinar: How to Start (or Reboot) Your Blog Right: 8 success factors that determine your blog’s future

UPDATE: this webinar is now finished. Check out other upcoming webinars at our Problogger Webinars page. This coming Tuesday/Wednesday (depending where you live) I’m running a free webinar with Chris Garrett. The time of the webinar is: Los Angeles: 5pm Tuesday 28th New York: 8pm Tuesday 28th London: 12am Wednesday ...more
24th of October 2014 Guest Blogger

How Having a Strong Email List Can Land You Great Sponsorships

This is a guest contribution from email marketer Luke Guy. How exactly do sponsors determine a price for ads on a blog? What would you consider the “golden standard” as for measuring how much a brand is worth or the size? There are many ways to do this. It’s important ...more
24th of October 2014 Guest Blogger

A Social Media Etiquette Guide You Might Find Useful

This is a guest contribution from Jennifer Landry. What do you think of when you hear the word etiquette? For most people, the term conjures up images of a relative telling them to chew with their mouth closed, or to take their elbows off the table. So what does it ...more
22nd of October 2014 Guest Blogger

Stat-Driven Tips on How to Pitch to Big-Name Publishers in Your Niche

This is a guest contribution from Wil of Startup Bros. What’s the best way to pitch a content idea to the big players in your niche? What do today’s top publishers look for in a contribution? Many of today’s biggest influencers get hundreds of pitches every week. How do you ...more
21st of October 2014 Guest Blogger

The Language of Selling – Are You Using It?

  This is a guest contribution from Richard Akhmerov. Benefits, benefits, benefits. We’ve all heard that benefits sell, not features. Create needs, not wants. But this is all rehashed information. And no amount of reading will make you better at the following if you don’t practice it by trying. But ...more
20th of October 2014 Stacey Roberts

Be a Better Blogger by Doing as Little as Possible

When you make the decision to grow your blog and hopefully create an income from it, it can be so easy to fall into the trap of doing everything all at once in the name of getting as much exposure as you can. You’re blogging every day, you’re promoting those ...more
16th of October 2014 Guest Blogger

How Blogging In College Got Me My First Job

This is a guest contribution from PR specialist Caitlin Dodds. I remember sitting alone in the airport with three hours to kill before my flight to Madrid. Squirming on the hard plastic chairs at my boarding gate with my laptop perched on my knees, I typed my first post on ...more
14th of October 2014 Guest Blogger

How to Write Successful Emails (and Improve Open Rates)

This is a guest contribution from Luke Guy. Email is the key to a strong online presence. Like a binder to a book, so is the email list to blog/website. If used incorrectly, email marketing can destroy your business or it can build it into an empire. Strategy combined with ...more
13th of October 2014 Stacey Roberts

Rebranding Your Blog: The Resources

Last week we had Jodi from Practising Simplicity talk us through the decision behind rebranding her six-year-old established blog. Many of you had questions about the technical details of moving a blog, so I’ve rounded up some resources to help. You will find everything from changing social media handles to ...more