CategoryCommunity Discussion

Community Discussion: Guest Post Pitching Strategies
As the editor of ProBlogger for the last three years, you can imagine I’ve seen every. pitch. ever. when it comes to guest posting. The most I see (and immediately delete) are the ones that are copied and pasted straight from a template, with a couple of ProBlogger links inserted, ...more
Community Discussion
Community Discussion: Traffic Growing Tips
It can be argued that getting traffic is the number-one priority for just about every blogger – for reach, for influence, for authority, for sales… it’s what we all aim to grow. Over the years here at ProBlogger we’ve discussed traffic and how to get it over and over again. ...more
Community Discussion
Community Discussion: How Much Video Do You Do?
We are hearing it from all sides – video is the new black. It’s where most of your audience are spending their time, and it’s one of the most successful (if not currently the most successful) content online. Technology evangelist Brian Fanzo tells us that video is the future. If ...more
Community Discussion
Community Discussion: How Often Do You Post on Your Blog?
Sometimes it can take years before we find a good rhythm to our blog’s posting schedule. Some blogs suit smaller, bite-sized pieces every day (or multiple times a day), and some blogs get by on posting once a month. Darren gets asked A LOT how often one should post, especially ...more
Community Discussion
Community Discussion: What Social Platform Works for You (and why?)
There have been so many changes to the social media landscape across the years, in fact an incredible amount of changes just in the last 12 months. Where Twitter and forums used to reign supreme, you’ll find today’s bloggers fatigued with Facebook, confused about Snapchat, and getting their heads around ...more
Community Discussion
Is Blogging Really Dead? Here’s Why You Should Still Blog!
There’s plenty of other ways to spend your time, and certainly easier ways of making money – so why blog? What are the benefits, really? Isn’t everyone moving toward social media anyway? The questions all boil down to one thing (encapsulated by Marcus Boswell): what does the modern blogger get ...more
Community Discussion
Care to Share? What Was YOUR Most Popular Post of 2014?
So last week we went right through the top five posts on ProBlogger 2014 in each of the categories of monetization, creating content, social media, writing, and general tips. Some of them were surprising, but most weren’t – good advice is good advice, after all! I know a lot of ...more
Community Discussion
New Year, New Start – What Have We Done?
It’s January 31 – the end of the month where we make and break New Year’s resolutions and swear to do better next time. If you’re anything like me, you may have thought about what you want to do with your blog this year, and where you want to go. ...more
Community Discussion