CategoryBlog Promotion

24th of November 2004 Darren Rowse

Mailing List Services

Does anyone out there know of any plugins for Word Press and Moveable Type that are for collecting and generating a mailing list for your blog? I’ve been using a paid system for the past year that has been very unreliable. I’m sick of writing up emails to send to ...more
Blog Promotion
22nd of November 2004 Darren Rowse

Services to Ping When you Update your Blog

Over the past year I’ve collected a list of services to ping when you update your blog. Here is a list of those I have so far. There are heaps more out there – you might also like to head over to Jeremy’s Services to Ping list also where he’s ...more
Blog Promotion
20th of November 2004 Darren Rowse

Writing and Blogging Opportunities – California Chronicle & American Chronicle

Here is an opportunity for bloggers to get their name and writing into the public eye a little more – it doesn’t pay anything but the side benefits could make it worthwhile: ‘The California Chronicle family of online magazines is offering writing opportunities for authors and bloggers to publish with ...more
Blog Promotion
18th of November 2004 Darren Rowse

RSS Ads A Growing Trend

WebProNews has an interesting article on the rise of RSS Ads and RSS spam: ‘Really Simple Syndication (RSS) is one of the fastest growing methods of content distribution associated with Internet technologies. Because creating feeds is not too complicated, the ability to present on-page information to subscribers has been embraced ...more
Blog Promotion
15th of November 2004 Darren Rowse

Pay Per Click (PPC) Blog

Cube Management’s Pay Per Click (PPC) Blog will be an interesting one to follow if you are thinking about promoting your blog in this way. As the name suggests its following all Pay Per Click news from around the web. ‘Pay-Per-Click is a powerful tool that companies can use to ...more
Blog Promotion
9th of November 2004 Darren Rowse

Ways to promote your Blog has a good article on ways to promote your weblog called Don’t let your blog get lost in the fog. They write – ‘But even good blogs can go unread, without a little extra effort to attract visitors. What’s needed are some eyeball magnets — blogging tools that will ...more
Blog Promotion
7th of November 2004 Darren Rowse

Google traffic vs Slashdot traffic – Which would you prefer?

Have you ever been Slashdotted? It sounds painful doesn’t it – but its actually quite fun. Being Slashdotted basically means that you’re linked to by the mega-blog – Slashdot. The cool thing about the experience is that if you chance upon being mentioned on Slashdot that you are about to ...more
Blog Promotion
5th of November 2004 Darren Rowse

Why Weblogs work so good at site promotion

Sohosad has a good post on Why Weblogs work so good at site promotion. Complete with cool little pictures!
Blog Promotion
3rd of November 2004 Darren Rowse

Do hits matter?

‘The problem with blogs that are only intended to attract traffic is that they can’t survive in the long-run. Traffic statistics keep bloggers going for a while, but the numbers eventually stabilise: there can only be a 100,000 most popular 100,000 websites. The world just doesn’t have enough internet users ...more
Blog Promotion