
4th of December 2007 Darren Rowse

AdSense ‘Reporting Enhancements’ Due Soon

The official AdSense blog have just published two interesting snippets of information. 1. Those publishers who use AdSense for Search have a report available to them that shows data on what people use the search field to search for. They will stop tracking data on these reports that are older ...more
30th of November 2007 Darren Rowse

AdSense Ad Click Zones – Gmail and Other Large Sites Get a Better Deal

Are AdSense truly interested in cutting down mistaken clicks on ads? If so – why do some of the biggest sites on the web (including one of their own) still have most of their ad units clickable while the average publisher does not? I just had an email from WebbyThoughts ...more
15th of November 2007 Darren Rowse

AdSense CTR – Has it Changed for You?

Yesterday it was revealed that AdSense were making the clickable portions of their Ad Units Smaller. Today we’re seeing these changes rolling out on different publishers sites. It seems that this means different things for different ad unit sizes. For example 468×60 and 234×60 ad units still seem clickable on ...more
14th of November 2007 Darren Rowse

AdSense Make Ad Units Less Clickable

Important news arrived in my inbox yesterday from AdSense (as I mentioned in yesterdays post). I didn’t initially publish it because it wasn’t public – but other bloggers have done so making my keeping to my agreement with Google not to write about it fairly pointless (one of the problems ...more
13th of November 2007 Darren Rowse

AdSense Move Site Targeting to Placement Targeting and Allow Advertisers to Target Sites with CPC Ads

AdSense have announced a couple of changes. One is that they’ve replaced ‘site targeting’ with ‘placement targeting’. Now advertisers can target their ads to specific ad units on your blog (depending upon how you’ve set your channels up). The second change is that they’re now allowing advertisers to target sites ...more
25th of October 2007 Darren Rowse

PageRank/AdSense Clarification – I’m not Funny

A quick clarification. In my post announcing that I’d taken a PageRank hit last night I mentioned that perhaps it was because I’d taken AdSense off my blog. I included a little smiley face next to that because it was something that I said – not believing was true for ...more
24th of October 2007 Darren Rowse

AdSense Introduce ServerSide Ad Management

Late last week I took a call from an AdSense rep asking if I’d like to test a new feature that would enable publishers to make changes to their AdSense ads without having to manually change the code on their sites. She called it ‘Serverside’ ad management. I said yes ...more
13th of October 2007 Darren Rowse

AdSense Introduce a Validation Period for Referrals Program – a Sign of Conversion Fraud?

AdSense have made a change to their referral program by putting a validation periods on publishers when they display non Google products. In this period publishers earn a lower conversion commission while AdSense works out if your conversions are ‘valid’. Once the validation period ends you then will earn the ...more
10th of October 2007 Darren Rowse

AdSense: “BTW – That Video Product We Launched – It’s only for US Publishers”

<rant>Once again AdSense have alienated publishers not based in the US with an update to their blog post announcing their new video units with a short update: “Video units will be live in AdSense accounts later today (10/9). Currently this feature is open only to publishers located in the United ...more