Canadian Professional Blogging Podcast 2.2 – your blogging voice continued

Posted By Arieanna Foley 12th of June 2005 Podcasting, Writing Content

For those of you following the start of our Canadian Professional Blogging series, thanks for turning in. Tris and I really appreciated the feedback and have built upon that to create a more detailed look at finding your blogging voice.

Having a voice is a key factor in getting noticed, being read, and building up that much needed traffic to your site. However, creating that “voice” may seem like a daunting thing. Many people don’t find writing easy, and that makes it even harder. We hope that our podcast and the notes will help people figure out a path that works for them.

One tip we talk about is reading everything you can find. The writers that appeal to you likely do so because you connect with that voice. Try to apply that same style to how you write and you’ll be one step closer to a distinctive voice. Another tip is to think about your writing verbally – your conversation style should go into your writing. If you are someone who speaks in short bursts, then you can try that out on your blog.

Here is the beginning of the notes that go with the podcast:

• Read a lot online and offline
• Experiment on a “test blog” or personal blog so you can experiment with your topics
• Have fun – try some wacky posts on your personal blog to learn how to write casually consistently
• Practice, practice, practice
• Write like nobody is reading–with caveats
• Have an edge. Something to make you inviting

The podcast and full set of notes are available over on Blogaholics and on Larix Consulting.

Technorati Tags: professional blogging, podcasting, podcasts

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