Call with Yanik Silver and 4 Web Entrepreneurs (and Me) – 20 Feb!

Posted By Darren Rowse 19th of February 2008 Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Last year I was fortunate enough to be invited by the web-famous internet marketer Yanik Silver to speak about blogging for money at his Underground Seminar (there’s another one coming up at the end of March) It was an amazing week which taught me so much about internet marketing.

Since that time Yanik and I have kept in touch and he asked me to write a guest chapter in a book with him an a number of other web entrepreneurs. The result is Moonlighting on the Internet which hit stores this week. It’s not a book about blogging for money – but rather is a broader introduction to a number of ways of making money online including blogging (as well as ebay, info products and more). The point of the book isn’t to show people how to get rich quick but how to add smaller but significant income to your online ventures.

As part of the launch of the book Yanik is doing a call on 20th Feb at 8pm EST (short notice I know) with myself and the other co-authors. You can register for this call at this registration page. It’s a free and live call and one I’m looking forward to.

The thing I love about interacting with Yanik is that he comes at blogging from a completely different perspective to me (and his questions usually reflect it). He’s been incredibly successful in the internet marketing game (I’m talking VERY successful) and while there might be things about internet marketing that do clash a little with blogging there’s a lot that can be learned from these types of conversations.

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