Business Week Does Blogging – An Incomplete Picture?

Posted By Darren Rowse 27th of April 2005 Pro Blogging News

I’ve been looking over the online version of Business Week that this week focusses upon Blogging. The articles that I’ve read are well written, insightful pieces – but I can’t help feeling a little disappointed that they tend to focus largely upon businesses who blog rather than blogs that are businesses. Articles like Blogs will Change your Business, Six Tips for Corporate Bloggers and the case study of Stonyfield Farm’s Blog are all going to help build the overall profile of blogging – but I wonder if an article highlighting how bloggers are using blogs to directly make a living might have given a fuller picture.

The article on Lockhart Steele’s blog was probably the closest to this in the articles they’ve posted online (are there more in the hard copy edition that give a fuller picture?) – however the article wasn’t really explicit or an inspirational piece on the power of entrepreneurial blogging.

Perhaps I’m being a little hard on Business Week and asking for something that was beyond what one edition could possible deliver – but I’d like to see them take another look at blogging at some point and hopefully explore blogging AS business rather than just blogging as a support to business.

What do you think?

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