Blogspot Blogs to be Deleted from some Search Engines to combat Spam Blogs?

Posted By Darren Rowse 17th of August 2005 Pro Blogging News

Mark Cuban, owner of Ice Rocket, writes that blogs hosted on free blogspot domains are getting close to being eliminated from Ice Rocket and other search engines because o the increasing problem of Spam Blogs (or Splogs as they’ve been called a lot more lately). Mark also puts the finger onto Google for not doing enough about Splogs:

‘Blogger is by far the worst offender. Google seems to be working hard to adjust their relevancy indexes to exclude splog from having influence on search rankings, but they dont seem to be doing anything more than removing reported splogs. Kind of like going after the zombies one at a time with a shovel. Can we get some help on this Google?…

If you are an individual blogger whose blog is hosted on, every day the chances of you being excluded from’s, and other search engines’ indexes increases. Its not just, pretty much 90plus percent of blogs hosted on .info sites are splogs as well.’

I’m sure there will be plenty of legitimate blogs and .info bloggers out there who will have something to say about this.

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