Blogging Fears – Getting Hacked

Posted By Darren Rowse 7th of April 2005 Miscellaneous Blog Tips

What is your Worst Blogging Fear?

This might make me sound a little paranoid – but occasionally I wake up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat thinking about the things that could go wrong with my little blogging business. In many ways what we do can be pretty fragile and at the whim and mercy of outside forces.

Over the next few days I’m going to write about some of my blogging fears and what I do to try and protect myself from them. I invite you to share your blogging fears and tips in comments.

Getting Hacked – what if someone took over your blog – changed the password, changed content or even worse, deleted it all. This is something I’ve thought about a lot over the past year. I know of one or two cases where its happened and been pretty devastating for the blogger’s in question. All that hard work, those many many hours of writing, editing, designing – gone in a single foul action of someone with too much time on their hands.

One of a Professional Blogger’s biggest assets is their archives. Overtime these grow and become more and more valuable to them. Each post you have is a potential doorway to your blog from a Search Engine so its worth protecting.

Advice: Its important that you host your blog with a reputable hosting service that gives you some protection against those who might want to get up to mischief on your blog. Make sure your blogs are password protected with a password that no one will guess.

Back it up – I back my blogs up onto my computer – do you? If you don’t you could be putting your whole business at jeopardy. Make a backup of your blog’s content regularly so that if the worst case scenario happens and someone does delete it (or if all is lost for some other reason) you’ll have the capability of getting things back up and running as they once were.

Most businesses I know have security for their assets, alarms, precautionary measures – even insurance – how are you protecting your blog from the malicious actions of others?

I’m interested in hearing your blogging fears and advice in comments below.

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