Bloggers SUCK – Lessons from Forbes

Posted By Darren Rowse 29th of October 2005 Pro Blogging News

Forbes has an article in it’s latest edition attacking blogs. It’s called Attack of the Blogs (subscription required).

I’ve decided not to read it – mainly because to do so I’d need to subscribe to their online section. Part of me (the cynical part) actually wonders if the whole article is something of a publicity stunt.

I mean what better way to get million’s of people talking about you, linking to you and reading you than to write negative things about them.

Technorati has ‘Forbes’ listed as the fifth most search for term in the last hour (with some pretty stiff competition). I’ll be interested to watch these pages at BlogPulse and Alexa over the next day or two to see what their graphs look like as they update.

I’d love to get a peak at the sign up levels for their online section in the last day or two – I suspect they’ve had some pretty decent numbers.

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