Blogger Proof Workout

Posted By Darren Rowse 12th of January 2008 Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Regular readers of ProBlogger know that I’ve been attempting to get back in shape lately.

I’ve been seeing a personal trainer, exercising 3-4 times a week, eating better food, smaller portions and more regularly during the day. It’s only been 4 weeks but I’m beginning to feel lighter, the scales say I’m losing weight (I’m not exactly sure how much but I’ve moved down a size around the waist and lost 2-3kg in the last week and a half), I’ve got more energy and interestingly I’m starting to think a little more clearly.

I’m not buff by any means (and don’t expect to be) but am feeling a lot better for it so far.

So today when a reader emailed me with the suggestion that I check out a new free ebook titled Blogger Proof Workout, A Simple Workout for Bloggers I thought it’d be right up my alley.

OK – so it’s a little unconventional, but the principles are good and encourage bloggers to think about ways that they can add a little movement and exercise into their day – without leaving the room that they blog. While I’m not sure doing 5 pushups every time an email comes in will work for everyone (I’d be doing about 5000 pushups each morning) the principles are good.

Here’s to a fitter and healthier ProBlogger readership in 2008!

PS: I’ve had a few people ask me what my own workout routine is. It’s fairly simple:

  • 1x workout with my trainer per week
  • 1x home ‘workout’ per week (including 2 to 3 sets of pushups, squats, situps, skipping, dips and steps)
  • 2x 30-45 minute brisk walks (I usually stop at the park for some steps and dips on these)

I’m also going to add another group class/workout in the coming week.

In terms of diet I’m trying to eat low GI foods, smaller portions in the evenings and an extra snack or two during the day (and less junk). Nothing too special but plenty of fruit.

Lastly – coincidentally Kim published this mini interview with me today on exactly the same topic!

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