Blogger Fight Club Proposal

Posted By Darren Rowse 10th of March 2005 Pro Blogging News

Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!

A couple of posts ago in an update I suggested that perhaps we should lock Nick Denton and Jason Calacanis in a room together and let them have an all in brawl til they get their issues with one another off their chests. This comes after their latest spat over Gizmodo’s decision to accept an offer from Siemens for an all expenses trip to Germany for the CeBit show in return for posts on the blog. Follow the latest disagreement at Gizmodo sells out to Siemens, then Calacanis transparency policy and then My comment policy.

So after suggesting the fight club solution above I got to thinking – maybe we should have a debate?!? I mean there is already one going on – but how about we actually have a formal Pro Blogging debate between Nick and Jason?

I think it should be held at an independent third blog (I’ll volunteer as I’ve been both a knocker and supporter of Nick and Jason over the past 6 months). We’ll flip a coin and choose who gets to make an opening statement about their issue with the other (or perhaps we should name a topic on blogging ethics, or on accepting stuff for posts – transparency I guess) – then the other can have a go and we go back and forwards a few times till its all said and done. As we go the rest of us can have our say and then at the end we all go back to our blogging business.

Who knows it might actually achieve something for all of us thinking through issues of ProBlogging and the ethics of it!? Or then again it might just be a good PR exercise for all involved – I mean there is nothing like a good fight to draw a crowd!

What do you say Nick and Jason?

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