Behaviors of the Blogosphere Controversy

Posted By Darren Rowse 10th of August 2005 Pro Blogging News

Well it seems that yesterday’s ‘Behaviors of the Blogosphere’ Study Results have ruffled a few feathers in the past 24 hours with a number of bloggers pointing out some of the problems, inconsistencies and biases in the study. Not the least of these is Jason Calacanis who whilst maintaining he’s Nick Denton’s ‘pal’ also points out multiple times that his said pal paid for the report which should cast some doubt over it’s results (see Jason’s posts here, here and here).

Jason also points out the inaccuracy of the figures in the report that point some pretty massive blogs (including his own) below Gawker blogs in the rankings.

I think Jason has the right to be a bit peeved about the results – after all there is quite a bit of money at stake at the top of the entrepreneurial heap. If I were in his position I’d probably jump up and down also.

Having said that I hope that the squabbling doesn’t take the focus away from some of the findings that illustrate the growth of blogging readership and the incredible potential that blogs have for reaching such a large proportion of the population.

I’m not really wanting to get drawn into the fight – I’ve got blogging to do – but if you’re interested in reading more you might like to head to Rick’s clarification of the Research, Overstated’s opinion, Business Week, Jeff Jarvis and the Young Manhattanite’s thoughts.

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