Guest Blogger

12th of February 2011 Guest Blogger

Personal Blog Monetization Perils and Pitfalls

This guest post is by Brooke Schoenman of Brooke vs. the World. I write for two blogs that are both travel-themed, yet very different from one another. Brooke vs. the World has been my personal travel blog for the past four years, while WhyGo Australia is more of a travel ...more
Blogging for Dollars
11th of February 2011 Guest Blogger

Don’t Go It Alone: Relationship-building for Bloggers

This is a guest post by Jane from Problogging Success. Let’s get it straight. Blogging is not a standalone job. You cannot blog in a space that doesn’t exist and to a group of virtual people. You need people—yes, living human beings, not just pairs of eyeballs—to read your blog. ...more
Build Community
10th of February 2011 Guest Blogger

6 Fiction Writing Techniques to Improve Your Blog

This is a guest post by Joanna Penn of The Creative Penn Many people want to write a book and maybe you’re one of them. Perhaps you don’t want to write a novel, but these fiction writing techniques can still help you improve your blog. 1. Character At its core, ...more
Writing Content
9th of February 2011 Guest Blogger

How to Troubleshoot WordPress

This guest post was written by Neil Matthews, a WordPress consultant at WPDude. Over the years, I’ve developed a troubleshooting methodology while working with my WordPress technical support clients.  My methodology helps  to solve the majority of WordPress crashed sites I’ve come across, and I wanted to share it with ...more
Blogging Tools and Services
8th of February 2011 Guest Blogger

6 Ways to Sell a Website, and 4 Ways Not to Sell One

This guest post is by Mathew Carpenter of Sofa Moolah. It’s gotten harder and harder to generate a stable income as an affiliate over the past two years. From Facebook’s decidedly anti-affiliate mindset, to the lengthy list of regulations that search engines such as Google have released, generating stable, consistent, ...more
Blogging for Dollars
7th of February 2011 Guest Blogger

How Your About Page Can Make or Break Your Blog

This guest post is by Lea Woodward of Did you know that the second place many new readers go after hitting the home page of your blog is your About page? Go and check your stats and you’ll probably see that if it’s not up there at #2, it’s ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips
6th of February 2011 Guest Blogger

Are We Having Fun Yet?

This guest post is by Justin P Lambert of Words That Begin With You . Quick question: are you having fun? I mean, you’re sitting here reading Problogger, so you’re likely a blogger, or at least thinking about jumping in. And you’re likely interested in making some money from your ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips
5th of February 2011 Guest Blogger

10 Little-known Ways to Get Traffic to Your Blog

This guest post is by Onibalusi Bamidele of Getting traffic to a blog is the major challenge a blogger faces. Many have read about various traffic generation strategies, but they find it difficult to get traffic to their blogs because these tips are no longer as effective as they ...more
Blog Promotion
4th of February 2011 Guest Blogger

Let a Launch Buddy Help Boost Your Blog

This post was written by the Web Marketing Ninja—a professional online marketer for a major web brand, who’s sharing his tips undercover here at ProBlogger. Curious? So are we! While I write blog posts, I don’t really refer to myself as a blogger. I’m just someone who likes sharing my ...more
Blogging for Dollars