Adsense Link Units – Weblogs Inc Closes in on $1M in a Year

Posted By Darren Rowse 21st of July 2005 Adsense

Just to keep things in perspective Jason Calacanis posts that Weblogs Inc is getting close to the number of dollars earned in a day that would take them to earning $1 million in a year.

He reports that they broke their previous record for a day’s earnings with Adsense and reached $2335 on a single day. The next target is $2739.72 in a day (the magic number that if they can maintain as an average for a year will get them to $1 million). Wow – those there are big numbers!

Jason reveals a tip for readers and writes:

‘One more tip: the Google horizontal banners work well. You know, the ones where a user clicks and sees a group of ads and then you get paid if they make a *second* click (the first click to Google gets you nothing!). Even with this double-click issue it performs really well (I don’t think I can say how much better then a leaderboard without getting in trouble with the Google Adsense Terms of Service, but lets just say it’s significant). I think this is because the users who click on those ads are rabid—they want a ton of information and they probably visit more then one advertiser’s site.’

I’ve highlighted the ads that he’s talking about over at Engadget in the following screen cap (click to enlarge).

It’s an interesting tip and one that I’ve been experimenting with myself (as I posted a week or so back). My experimentation with Google’s Adlink Ads (actually they now call them ‘link units’) is mixed. Readers here will remember I had these links at the very top of my blog for a week and I promised to share how they went. As Jason says we’re not allowed to give specific details of CTR and impressions but my experience in that position was poor – in fact it was poorer than when I had the 120 x 90 format in my sidebar.

However since moving the ads down underneath my menus at the top of the page the performance has improved – but only slightly.

I’ve tried a variety of positions for the banner style ‘link unitis’ but can’t report as good performance as what Jason seems to be getting. It is better than nothing at all, but for me it’s nowhere near as good an earner as the traditional text ads that I run which are the best performers for me by far.

I’m interested in other’s experiences with the ‘link unit’ ads. How do you use them? How have they performed (be careful not to reveal too many details).

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