Ad Agency launches Blog Kit

Posted By Darren Rowse 13th of April 2005 Advertising

Media Daily News posts that Ad Agency Carat are launching some interesting resources for companies wanting to explore blogging as part of their marketing.

‘John Cate, vice president and national media director for Carat Interactive, said clients such as TiVo and Pfizer will each be given a three-part blogging “starter kit,” introducing them to the increasingly influential world of blogs.

The kits will instruct each client on how to effectively monitor blogs within their purview, advertise on appropriate blogs, and actually blog themselves. “This practice won’t be right for all of our clients,” said Cate. “We’ll have to access the landscape, and determine who can sustain a dialogue and who can’t.”‘

I’ll be interested to see how companies respond to Carat with this kit – particularly if and how many take up the advertising approach (especially with my recent advertising experience in mind).

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