Reading Roundup: What’s New in Blogging Lately?

Posted By Stacey Roberts 13th of August 2016 Pro Blogging News

What a week! There’s still Snapchat v Instagram chat, Facebook adblocking, a nipple on Reddit (that’s a long story) and non-disclosure among some online influencers – everyone had an opinion, it seems!

Here’s How to Use Your Daily Habits for Writing Better Content in Less Time | Moz

I love this: we all want to write better content, in the shortest amount of time possible, and using what we already have/habits we already have/things we already do. They make it sound so eaaaaaaasy.

Facebook Rolls Out Code to Nullify Adblock Plus’s Workaround | Techcrunch

This is for all y’all who are confused about what Facebook’s doing with ads and what Adblocker’s doing in revenge. Although it will probably have changed by the time you read this. But it affects posts by pages and friends… so that’s you!

5 Ways to Maximise Audience Engagement in one Word: Easy | Kissmetrics

Sure there are times when you don’t want to churn out easily-digestible content, but for the times you do – this is invaluable advice.

Social Media Stars Warned over Undeclared Paid-For Ads | BBC

This is a bugbear for many – nondisclosure when it comes to promoting brands online. Not everyone is transparent, and the waters can get super-murky. There have been issues in different countries where the rules (or lack thereof) are different – but it appears influencers who don’t disclose perhaps won’t be able to do that forever.

The 15 Best Podcasts for New Product-Driven Entrepreneurs | Jeff Bullas

Get your ears prepared!

4 Steps for Designing a Successful Strategy That Communicates Your Brand | Entrepreneur

Because it’s important for people to know straight away what you’re about and that your message is consistent across al platforms.

Facebook is Deleting Popular Meme Pages Without Warning | The Daily Dot

As I learned the hard way when I was tagged in the comments on a viral video, but then couldn’t find said video. Seems there’s a crackdown and there’s no recourse if you’re a meme page owner. It also affects you if you’re using memes or sharing them from these pages – you might find suddenly you don’t have the content you thought you did!

6 Video Marketing Tips to Maximise Your Impact | Social Media Examiner

Because (apart from FB shutting down viral memes and videos) we all know video is being favoured on that platform at least, but is also doing super well across other visual mediums. So you may as well do your best on them!

What Happens to SEO When You Stop Blogging? | Quicksprout

An interesting perspective for those who are wondering whether it’s time or not to hang up their hat.

This Cheat Sheet is Full of Shortcuts for Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and More | Lifehacker

God I love a shortcut! Heres, well… all of them!

What caught your eye this week?

About Stacey Roberts
Stacey Roberts is the Managing Editor of a writer, blogger, and full-time word nerd balancing it all with being a stay-at-home mum. She writes about all this and more at Veggie Mama. Chat with her on Twitter @veggie_mama, follow on Pinterest for fun and useful tips, peek behind the curtain on Instagramand Snapchat, listen to her 90s pop culture podcast, or be entertained on Facebook.
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