Reading Roundup: What’s New in Blogging Lately?

Posted By Stacey Roberts 16th of April 2016 Blog News

Hello! Welcome to our brand spankin’ new site (how awesome is it!) for your Saturday roundup. So much to see and do around here, the new portals to help you find what you’re looking for faster, easier navigation, a cleaner, more modern design, and everything in one place. I hope you love it as much as we do :)

“How Much Should That Cost?” | Jory MacKay

Every freelancer’s favourite question! It can also be incredibly difficult to know how to price your advertising, your sponsored posts, your brand work and your freelance stuff. You might find some answers here.

Working for Yourself is Not Freedom | Jon Westerberg

Sometimes full time blogging can seem like the ultimate dream – you’re living the laptop lifestyle, writing from anywhere in the world on your own terms. But it can be bloody hard work, and often not as cruisy as some may think. Still worth it though!

The BEST Email Subject Lines: 62 Formulas to Get Your Content Read | Sumome

Nobody likes a poor open rate, so maybe these will help! Get ready for the WORLD’S BIGGEST POP-UP OPT-IN THOUGH. Wow.

How to Clean Up Pinterest Boards in 4 Simple Steps | Simple Pin Media

If you’ve ignored your Pinterest profile and it’s now looking a little dusty, get stuck into giving it a spring clean – you’ll be surprised how much it will make a difference.

Where Do I Start? | Amy Porterfield

In her answer to a popular question about building a business online, Amy discusses what she did in the beginning stages of her work, and how you can think about making it long-term with your own.

Everything You Need to Know about Facebook’s 10 Year Plan | Mashable

If you rely on Facebook to help drive traffic to your site, or for advertising, or for any part of your business, it would be a good idea to keep abreast of where they’re heading! It’s the only way to stay successful.

Sometimes Making Progress Means Being Unproductive | Lifehacker

I love this so much. I am so guilty of putting off reading things that will help me learn because they get in the way of my to-do list, and I never have time. This article was great for reminding me that sometimes not being “busy” is still useful.

Computer Coding for the Future | The Saturday Paper

I wish every day I had more programming skills, and I’m excited to see coding in the national curriculum rolling out across Australian schools in the next two years – which means it will become a part of everyday life for my kids. I’m currently learning it… and it’s hard.

“I Don’t Know What My Life is Supposed to Be… But It’s NOT THIS | Examiner

Sent to me by a friend, it sums up quite a bit of fear around change – changing your business, making a huge life decision – everything that feels weird but you don’t quite know what to substitute it with. I like how she’s sort of giving us permission to make decisions even if we don’t know what we’re choosing.

Have a great weekend!

Stacey Roberts is the Managing Editor of a writer, blogger, and full-time word nerd balancing it all with being a stay-at-home mum. She writes about all this and more at Veggie Mama. Chat with her on Twitter @veggie_mama, follow on Pinterest for fun and useful tips, peek behind the curtain on Instagram, listen to her 90s nostalgia podcast, or be entertained on Facebook.

About Stacey Roberts
Stacey Roberts is the Managing Editor of a writer, blogger, and full-time word nerd balancing it all with being a stay-at-home mum. She writes about all this and more at Veggie Mama. Chat with her on Twitter @veggie_mama, follow on Pinterest for fun and useful tips, peek behind the curtain on Instagramand Snapchat, listen to her 90s pop culture podcast, or be entertained on Facebook.
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