Habits of Good Bloggers

The following piece was submitted by Maureen McCabe from Clumbus Best Blog as part of the habits of highly effective blogging group project.

1. Read, Read, Read. Read real estate blogs, read blogs about Columbus, read blogs written by Columbusites, read blogs about blogging, read blogs about writing, read blogs about SEO, read blogs about technology…. read blogs I don’t necessarily understand until I have at least a glimmer of understanding. Read news of Columbus and Ohio on the internet. Read real estate news on local state and national level.
2. Keep asking questions. Eventually someone could answer but if they don’t I will eventually go find the answer myself. I will remember the question since I have written it down.
3. Comment on other bloggers blogs.
4. Encourage others to blog but don’t tell them HOW TO blog.
5. Don’t blog about blogging…..my primary audience are NOT bloggers… I personally think inexperienced bloggers (and I have only been blogging since the end of last summer, so I am not an experienced blogger) back to that thought, to me an inexpeienced blogger blogging about blogging is hokey and pompous. Thus this is not on my blog… Blogging about / linking to other blogs is another matter.
6. Try not to be negative.
7. Try not to be so positive it will sound Pollyanna-ish or fake.
8. Think about style but don’t get hung up on it. Substance is more important than style. If people don’t like it they don’t have to read it. Remember I am not my blog. My blog reflects me but it is not me.
9. Try to write every day.
10. Try to remember what Columbus resident and writer / cartoonist James Thurber wrote: “Don’t get it right, just get it written.”

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