At the ProBlogger event on the Gold Coast last year, Darren motivated us all with his rallying cry to find one thing we want to do with our blogs, businesses, and lives. Just one thing that we would prioritise, measure all things against, and work hardest at among all the other things that take up our time.
I’m still considering my one thing. I thought I’d have 2017’s figured out by now, but I don’t. Last year for me was “get back to my roots” – blogging had changed, and mine was no exception. But I wanted to get back to where it all started, what the passion was for me, and that was food and storytelling. So getting back to my roots was my One Thing.
This year I’ve a few ideas about what it can be, but I’m letting them marinate in the background, knowing that when the time is right the answer will appear. And then I’ll know what to put first, above all else, as a guidepost for who and what I want to be this year.
But I’d love to know what is your One Thing? What is it that you are concentrating on this year? Are you wanting to write a book? Do you wish you could take the leap from full time work to full time blogging? Determined to nail email marketing? Prioritising your health? Do please share and let’s discuss.