We are looking to hire up to 30 UK-based writers to review their broadband provider.
We are looking for customers of Virgin Media, TalkTalk, Sky, and other broadband providers to review their experience with the company.
- Must be in the UK
- Must be a customer of a British broadband provider (not mobile broadband)
- Must have an understanding of how your broadband is performing, and how much you're paying - ideally you are the bill-payer or joint bill-payer
- Must be able to perform internet speed tests over Wi-Fi and ideally also a wired Ethernet connection
- Must be able to take good-quality photos of your Wi-Fi router (can use a smartphone, but will need to unplug the router and put it against a clean background)
- Must be able to write clearly in British English
In the short-term this will be a one-off project for each writer, therefore we are willing to consider higher per-word rates.
We will also offer compesation for each photo taken.
For the best writers, long-term work writing on a broader range of topics will be available.
Broadband/telco/tech writing experience is helpful but not essential.
You cannot use AI writing tools to write for you or assist you, this will be checked.
Apply here: