Are you you a driven financial blogger that loves to write about alternative assets, retirement planning and investment topics such as cryptocurrencies, precious metals and portfolio strategies?
Do you have an audience on social media that you want to engage better?
Our Vision
We want to help educate individuals on how to diversify and grow their wealth by investing in real assets. Our goal is to give the readers tools to make better financial decisions, instead of going with the majority and media.
Website Topics
-Alternative Assets
-Precious Metals
-Real Estate
The Opportunity
We would like to create a very high quality content media source and want to offer you an opportunity where you can treat the website as it is your own and help promote and build the brand with your current audience. We would want this price to be built into the price of each article you write for the site, so we are paying a little bit higher per article.
Here are some of the things that we expect as a writer of the website:
-write 1 to 2 articles for the website per month
-promote these articles on your social platforms
-help build community and readership
-come up with article topics and ideas based around your experience and expertise
Here are the benefits that you will get out of becoming a contributor for the website:
-Allow you to grow your own personal brand and add website to your portfolio
-Have the ability to grow with the brand and be compensated as the brand continues to grow.
-Be able to help and inspire others to learn more about money and how to use it
This will be a very rewarding opportunity for the right person because you will get the opportunity to not only share your experience with other individuals, but have the ability to build and grow your brand at the same time.
How to Apply
If interested in this opportunity please reply to [email protected] with the following information:
1. A little bit about yourself
2. Any blogs you run or blog posts that you have published
3. Topics and areas of expertise and experience
4. What price you charge per article?