Thank you for your interest in our project!
What We Do
We are developing a website for the crypto/NFT market for artists and creators. The website is being developed to support artists and creators in showcasing and promoting their projects, as well as providing much needed resources to support their careers in this new market.
We will be providing resources and tools, as well as marketing advice, tutorials, and swipe files they can use.
What Are We Looking For?
We are looking for talented writers with strong writing skills and an understanding of blockchain technology, crypto and the NFT market. A bonus would be someone with an understanding of the art market as well.
This role is broken down into the following responsibilities:
- Blog Content: Either original or repurposed content provided by me
- Email Copy: Either original or from the Blog Content
- Social Posts: Generated from the Email copy and Blog Content
You will be creating content that is 150 to 3000 words in length. Copywriting and keyword experience is required for consideration.
We are looking to add people as soon as possible, and you would be working from home — as the majority of us are these days.
We pay writers via PayPal after each assignment is complete or on an ongoing agreed upon schedule.
Following is the pay breakdown:
Blog Content:
- 150 words = $10
- 300 words = $18
- 500 words = $25
- 750 words = $35
- 1000 words = $50
- 1500 words = $75
- 2000 words = $90
- 2500 words = $115
- 3000 words = $140
Email Content:
- 150 words = $10
- 300 words = $18
- 500 words = $25
- 750 words = $35
Social Posts:
- $7.00/post
Please submit 2-3 copywriting samples of blog posts or email content with your application. These could be Word documents or links to posts.