- United States of America
- November 17, 2016
- desertfarms.com
Company Information
Yep, we sell Camel Milk! Nature's most wholesome dairy beverage.
Give the ol’ cows and goats a rest, they’re tired. Camels are known for their stamina---if they can trudge through a hot desert for months, they can easily quench your thirst! We’re America’s new dairy generation.
What’s the first thing you’ll say about camel milk?
“What does it taste like?”
What’s the second thing you’ll say?
“It tastes just like milk!”
What’s the third thing you’ll say?
“I didn’t know you could milk camels”
If you’re looking for a delicious, natural, nutrient-rich drink that supports your fast-moving life, order up. We’ll send it straight to your door PDQ (pretty darn quick). Then drain a glass. We’ll be here when you come back for more.
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