Fitness/Running-based community exploding needs content writer(s)
Hi there! We are seeking an energetic extension of our core team, writing engaging, informative, and shareable content catering to the 25-45 running demographic.
I can point you in the direction of the right kind of article topics that would appeal to the audience, but we are looking for 1000+ articles to be produced on a regular basis that are not just 'the same' as other running information out there, but instead looking to become an authority in the space.
A great opportunity for the right person to shine and really make the position their own.
I do not have a preference whether you naturally write in British or American English, just that you have great writing skills.
Knowledgeable in this industry/topic area, passionate
Knowledge of WordPress and inserting affiliate links would be a bonus.
High-quality, friendly, engaging and helpful content, with SEO knowledge.