Are you putting your heart and soul into creating great content for your blog, but not getting the response you deserve in terms of readers or response?
Do you hit publish with excitement, imagining all the people who are going to see, read and comment on your content only to be met with…. (crickets)?
Do you ever think “If only you could get some more readers”, then the momentum behind your blog would build, your community would grow, you’d be able to make some money and your blogging business would begin to thrive?

Darren Rowse
It can be quite disheartening when you check the stats of your blog and realise that no one's been reading, let alone engaging with what you’re putting out into the world.
I can remember that feeling well.
Back in November of 2002 when I first hit ‘publish’ on my original (and short lived) Blogspot Blog I did so believing that this ‘blogging thing’, which I’d only just heard of, would be a bit of fun. I started for a number of reasons but in short it was curiosity and the hope of a new hobby and perhaps some new connections that drew me to it. At the time I was working three jobs.
Now I’d like to say that at the moment I hit publish on my first blog that the earth shook and a light from heaven came down and I was suddenly transformed into a full time blogger – but as we all know it doesn’t happen that way. In fact for the first 12 or so months of my blogging very little changed.
But over time, through hard work and discipline, using the techniques I’m going to share with you in this course, my blogs have grown from a hobby (some would say an obsession), to a part-time, then a full-time job, all the way through to a fully fledged business employing a team of people.
In the 15+ years I’ve run ProBlogger the number one question bloggers ask me is
“How do I find readers and get traffic for my blog?”
And, it seems no matter how many times and ways I answer this question - via hundreds of blog articles, podcasts, videos, personal emails, interviews, conference events - finding readers remains the biggest problem for bloggers.
Finding readers and building an audience is not a mystery.
But, if you don’t know what to do, you will most certainly become frustrated and demotivated by the poor results you get from the great efforts you put in.
You might be worn out by trying to do everything everyone else tells you to do - sometimes conflicting advice. I don’t blame you. There’s certainly a lot of ‘experts’ who want you to follow ‘their formula for success’.
You could even be so overwhelmed by the sheer amount of information on the topic that you’re frozen by procrastination, not knowing what to do first.
Because I’ve been blogging so long (since 2002), and actually specialising in the topic of blogging (since 2004), I’ve benefited from being able to talk to and observe many other successful bloggers.
I know exactly what does and doesn’t work to build an audience.
I don’t just know what works, I do what works. In fact, my main blog Digital Photography School (established 2006) attracts millions of readers each month - half of all of them are new visitors.
And, not only do I know and do what works, I teach others how to achieve results for themselves. I’ve done this for many years and helped countless bloggers find readers, get traffic, build their audience and grow their blog into a business.
I developed my Find Readers Course to help as many bloggers as possible achieve their potential. This course distils my years of blogging experience and expertise into a clear roadmap for you to follow with easy-to-understand tasks that will boost your traffic growth with every step.
Find Readers Course includes:
In the course YOU will:

I would absolutely recommend ProBlogger training to anybody who is serious about blogging. Problogger site and events provide so much value and support. If you are serious about blogging you need to be part of Problogger community.
Neera Mahajan -

I loved the Problogger training - a wealth of information but very easy to understand... I felt much more confident that I can achieve my goals, with a clearly laid out path provided by Darren. The training was very generous for the price paid. Bonus was meeting Jeff Goins.
Phoenix Moonstar -

ProBlogger has been with me every step of the way of my blogger journey... an inspiring part of my learning and development as a blogger. I enjoyed the Training Day workshop for the connections made, giving me a plan for success and motivating me towards continual improvements - thanks Guys.
Jenny -
Attendees to the ProBlogger Training Day (where we recorded the course video) paid $199 each for the ticket, before any travel, food and accommodation costs.
I’ve also seen other online blogging traffic courses sell for this much and more $$$.
Or, you have to sign up to an even more expensive monthly subscription to access the kind of information I’m giving you in this course.
Even the cheap courses on blogging traffic often charge double what I do, but provide you with far less useful information.
Because I am dedicated to helping other bloggers learn the skills of blogging, share their own experiences and promote the blogging medium, my view on pricing has always been to make things as affordable and accessible as possible in order to benefit the greatest number of people I can.
This is why ProBlogger’s Find Readers Course is only $49 USD.
And this is why at checkout, you’ll be given the opportunity to upgrade your purchase (+$50 USD) and get ALL Four Pillars of Blogging Courses which covers everything you need to build a profitable blog:
- Create Content
- Find Readers
- Build Community
- Make Money
Don’t you cover Finding Readers on ProBlogger the blog?
Yes. I’ve got 8,000+ articles on ProBlogger and hundreds of posts talking about finding readers as well as many podcasts on this topic. You’re very welcome to go and read and listen to all of my tips free of charge and I’d be very happy if you did.
But the course brings all of this information together and packages it into an easy-to-follow roadmap with clear teaching from me and action for you to take to find readers and generate more traffic.
Do you offer a discount?
Yes. When you purchase Find Readers, you'll be given the option to upgrade to ALL Four Pillars of Blogging Courses for only $50 USD extra.
This equates to a 50% discount, saving you $100 USD on the total purchase of:
Right now is also the cheapest time to buy these courses, because once we launch the final course in the series we will be putting the price of all courses up. So get in now!
Do I get any bonuses?
Yes. By signing up as a ProBlogger student, you’ll also get access to two more bonus ProBlogger courses “The Ultimate Guide to Start a Blog” and “7-Day Content Sprint”.
Additionally, you’ll also get access to our library of downloadable blogging resources such as the “6 Months of Blog Post Ideas” guide, “Evaluating Your Blog’s First Year” workbook, and my “Evolve Don’t Revolve” Keynote presentation, to name just a few.
How is the course delivered?
Upon purchasing the course you’ll receive immediate access via the ProBlogger Course Portal.
If you're already a ProBlogger student, your usual Course credentials will now unlock the Finding Readers Course.
If you’re new, your own password secured access to the ProBlogger Course Portal will be automatically created.
Does my Access to the Course expire?
Or do I have to complete it within a certain time?
No. Once you purchase the course it is yours to do at your own pace and refer to whenever you want. You can login whenever you want and keep using the course as long as you want.
You haven't answered my question - who can help me?
Please email [email protected] with any other questions you may have.
Don’t spend another unproductive and frustrated moment wondering what you have to do to grow your audience.
ProBlogger’s Find Readers Course will not only give you direction and clarity of purpose, but will also instruct you on the exact action to take to increase your readership step by step.
Your blog will not only benefit from gaining the right readers, but you will maximise this traffic to your blog using tried and tested tools and techniques taught to you by veteran blogger Darren Rowse.
Do yourself a favor and do your blog justice by unlocking its potential traffic.
Join the Find Readers Course now.

My Find Readers Course is ready and waiting for you.
I’ve helped thousands and thousands of bloggers grow their audiences and build profitable blogs.
What are you waiting for?
Darren Rowse
Enrol in Find Readers Course to increase your blog traffic today and, if for any reason you decide within 30 days that the course isn’t for you, I’ll happily refund your registration.